Thursday, 24 January 2013

Great Tit

Photo by Franz Sidney
Great Tit

Like Blue Tits and Coal Tits, Great Tits are fond of small Insects and eat huge numbers of Caterpillars and Aphids (Despite the name!), helping us to maintain a healthy garden without the use of chemicals.  

Given the chance though, they will munch their way through a great variety of nuts and seeds, top favourites being Black Sunflower and Sunflower Hearts, plus Peanuts of course and any mixes containing these.

A Great Tit will survive about a day without food.

And the longest known lifespan of it was 11 years and 97 days!!



Sorry it's out of focus!


  1. Great blog Alex. I love your pictures.
    I was surprised a Great Tit would live so long!
    best wishes, Julie.

  2. Hi Alex
    we have great tits in our garden too. We feed the birds peanuts. we are looking forward to taking part in the RSPB bird survey this weekend.
