Friday, 3 October 2014

Z - Zebra Spider

Photo by Alex Sidney

W - Worm

Photo by Alex Sidney

T - Tarantula

Photo by Clive Sidney

S - Sugar Glider

Photo by Clive Sidney

R - Rabbit

Photo by Clive Sidney

Q - Quadrate Fan-Winged Katydid

Photo by Clive Sidney

P - Peregrine Falcon

Photo by Clive Sidney

O - Oyster

Photo by Alex Sidney

N - Newt

Photo by Clive Sidney

M - Millipede

Photo by Alex Sidney

L - Ladybird

Photo by Alex Sidney

K - Katydid

Photo by Clive Sidney

I - Ischnura damselfly

Photo by Clive Sidney

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

My New Challenge

I am Going to try to do a new challenge in the next 2 months.

I am going to do an A-Z of animals or insects, and find them and take pictures of them, then post them onto this blog.

So keep checking this blog, for animals will come in by the millions!!

Monday, 1 September 2014


These are one of the best reptiles, as its' skin can change colour.

Photo by Franz Sidney

Giant Green Stick Insect

At an insect house, I got to hold animals, and one was this!!

Photo by Clive Sidney

Photo by Clive Sidney
P.S. I am not sure of the proper name of this insect, so I am open to ideas.

Great diving Beetle

One day, when I was at a local activity, and I was about to leave, I saw something smash into the transparent doors, so I ran out and caught this beauty of a beetle. It was a Great Diving Beetle!! This was the first ever Great Diving Beetle I had ever seen!! The funny thing is, that I found it so far from water.
Photo by Alex Sidney
Click the link below to view a downloadable fact file on Great Diving Beetles

Smooth Newt

I found this Smooth Newt when I was pond dipping with a large net, and the only other thing I found was a Stickleback.
Photo by Clive Sidney

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Red-kneed Tarantula

I got to take some good photos of this magnificent predator at an animals farm.
Photo by Clive Sidney

Photo by Clive Sidney

Sugar Glider

We got to see her at Jimmy's Farm, and she was really lively!! They eat fruit, veg, and certain small animals.
Photo by Clive Sidney

Young hedgehog

I found this spiky little critter in a big field. He was so cute.
Photo by Clive Sidney

Peregrine Falcon

Today, While I was cleaning out the cage of our pets, my sister came running to tell me that she had seen a Peregrine Falcon land in our garden. As soon as I heard, I dropped what I was doing and ran to see. and sure enough, about a metre away from me and my sister, was a majestic Peregrine Falcon!!
These deadly predators will mainly eat birds, for instance take a pigeon gliding along in the air, and about half a mile up is a Peregrine, watching every movement. Then it stoops, and dives, folding back its wings, and goes up to around 200 miles per hour, then stretches out its' talons, and kills the Pigeon!!!!
Photo by Clive Sidney

Photo by Clive Sidney

Photo by Clive Sidney

Photo by Clive Sidney

Photo by Clive Sidney
Photo by Clive Sidney

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Fishing Spider

Today, I found this beautiful spider that had a dark brown body, and brown legs with faint bits of orange. We are not completely sure what this spider is, but we think it's likely to be a Fishing Spider.

Fishing Spiders are normally found near water, but can be found quite far sometimes. It's diet is made mainly of animals 5 times as large as itself, such as Tadpole, small fish, Newts, and a lot of others. Fishing spiders can skate on the water elegantly, then get a bubble of air and dive underwater, just lie a water boatman. They can live up to around a year. These spider lay around 1000 eggs in a sac, then put it on their backs, and when they hatch, they just hang on for a bit, till they are old enough to crawl away and start hunting.

Photo by Alex Sidney

Photo by Alex Sidney

Photo by Alex Sidney

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Komodo Dragons

This photo was also taken by my friend.

Komodo Dragons are the largest lizards. They can reach 10 feet in length and weigh up to 200 pounds. They are carnivores who like to eat Pigs, Deer, Snakes, Fish and Water Buffalos. 
Scientists believe that Komodo Dragons can live up to 50 years, maybe longer.

Photo by Reyes

Sumatran Tiger

A friend of mine took some pictures of this Sumatran Tiger.

Tigers are meat eaters (carnivores). Their prey includes small- to medium-sized mammals (like Badgers, Rabbits, Boars, Deer, and wild cattle), ranging in size from 60 to 2,000 pounds. The Sumatran tiger prefers larger prey and quite often victims come from the Deer family.

A Tiger's lifespan is 20-26 years in captivity.

Sumatran Tiger
Photo by Reyes

Saturday, 14 June 2014


Here are some pictures of a Rabbit in our garden:
Photo by Clive Sidney

Photo by Clive Sidney

Photo by Clive Sideny

Wild Rabbits eat hay which is good for their intestines. Rabbits will also eat fresh vegetables. We all know that they like carrots, but they will eat other vegetables.

Frog fun

This is an extremely slippery Frog I found at the farm!
Photo by Franz Sidney
I found a Mole on a farm.
Photo by Franz Sidney

Speckled Wood

I found this colourful critter inside a yellow flower in some reeds next to a big lake. I wasn't really sure what it was until I got home, but after a bit research, I found that it would turn into a Speckled Wood butterfly.

Adults feed on aphid honeydew. They are rarely seen on flowers except early and late in the year when there are few aphids. Caterpillars eat various grasses, including false brome, cock's-foot, Yorkshire fog and common couch.
When grown into butterflies, the adult will only live around 3 weeks.
Photo by Clive Sidney

Common Blue Damselfly

The picture below is of 2 Common Blue Damselflies mating. It really is quite funny to see 2 mating Damselflies fly away together, still attached to each other, when scared. Adult Dragonflies and Damselflies eat other flying insects, particularly Midges and Mosquitoes. They also eat Mayflies, Butterflies, Moths, Bees, bugs and smaller Dragonflies and one Asian species even feeds on Spiders from their webs. Blue Damselflies live for only  few weeks once fully grown, especially as they spend most of their life underwater. Look out for Damselflies mating in May/June.
Photo by Clive Sidney

Violet Ground Beetle

This big black bug that I found under an old flowerpot is beautiful, because of it's purple tips. After a bit of research on the internet, we found out that it was a Violet Ground Beetle. I cannot find out anywhere on the internet what it eats, or what its lifespan is. If anyone knows any information about this amazing bug, please tell me through the comments.
Photo by Alex Sidney

Friday, 13 June 2014

Pipistrelle Bat

When my dad was working, he found an old Pipistrelle Bat (obviously dead), and took it home.

Photo by Clive Sidney